
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Plan on it

How do you plan a party? Is it off a theme or idea you saw on Pinterest? Or perhaps it's doesn't need a theme. Just mix in friends and family with food and drinks and call it a party! Either way there is some type of planning involved. For me, I usually start the moment I know we're throwing a party. Not only do I plan out the party I also start day dreaming about what projects I really want to complete in the house.

So here's the "I need to get this done before the party" project...the foyer. (Is it a coincidence Im starting this blog with the foyer?)

We replaced the door soon after we moved in. Which made the BIGGEST difference.

It obviously needed somethin' goin' on with it...So I called in my crew (my sister Cheryl, Alan, and Hanna) to paint stripes. This would be a project I would tackle myself but being that dropped 1/2 a can of paint in the garage AND I get paint on everything BUT the walls I was told I needed to sit this one out.

The base wall color is Benjamin Moore Carrington Beige and the stripes are about two shades darker which is Benjamin Moore Danville Tan. I decided to only stripe one wall in the foyer because I didn't want it to look like a tunnel.

The finishing touches make all the difference! 

This chest was a hand-me-down from my parents. Typically a chest of drawers isn't found in a foyer but I like the height of this chest and the narrowness allows for side chairs or planters on either side. It gives me options, which is always good in my book as I tend to change my mind often. Just ask Alan! 

Freshly black painted door with my DIY wreath I put together using Hobby Lobby paper flowers and a grape vine wreath. Just stick those babies on with a hot glue gun and DONE. Too easy!

The rug is a hand-me-down from Pottery Barn, the modern wing chair is Lee and the mirror I picked up from Marshalls. 

 And the pillow you ask? Made by me :-)

 Look for my next post to find out what all this planning was for!