I have to admit starting a blog wasn't
on the top of my "how I want to spend my free time" list. It wasn't even on the radar until a long conversation over
wine with my good friend and sister sparked my curiosity as to what it would be
like to be a "blogger". That conversation left me with mixed
emotions. I liked the idea of getting to share my insights to the world but on one
hand I don’t think of writing as a hobby and seriously people I would rather
spend my free time eating cake and watching movies. BUT after even more
encouragement form my sweet husband here I am. So now that I have committed to
this whole blog thing I really couldn't
be more excited!
Here is a little about me. I am a full time Interior Designer and I work for
a firm called Accents of the South in Huntsville,
Alabama (yes, we have all our
teeth). I've been married for a year
to my just as creative husband, Alan and we have a fur-child named Hanna. I
love cooking, entertaining, traveling, and fitness so there will be some randomness
about those topics as well. My biggest project that I have been working on
myself is my own home, so you'll see
a lot of posts related to that.
I've been told I'm high strung and always have something brewing up
in my mind, which are both very true. I can't
walk into a room without noticing the decor. I'm
constantly re-arranging spaces in my mind and if you ask me what I'm thinking about it probably has something to do
with paint colors, fabrics, or chocolate. So here you go: a look inside
my...Interior Mind.
Welcome to blog land! :-)
Thank you, Abby! I love your blog! I look forward to this new adventure :-)