
Friday, June 22, 2012

Fast Fix Fridays

Fast Fix Fridays have begun! This is where I'd like to share my quick tips, DIY's and tried recipes before heading into the weekend. Maybe I'll inspire you to try something new!

Here are some vintage metal canisters I picked up at an estate sale for $10. They were in great shape with only a few scratches. The fact they were metal and had a sleek look caught my eye. 

But, being me I had to jazz them up. So, I picked up this can of spray paint from Lowe's to give them a fresh look. Valspar orange in gloss finish.

I taped off the parts I didn't want painted and scuffed up the green metal a bit with a fine sandpaper so the paint would hold and the finish was smooth. I did two coats of paint and I let them dry over night and viola! 

Now, what else can I cover in orange spray paint?! My husband's Alabama Crimson Tide poster? I would never...or would I. :-)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Alan’s father turned 70!! So we threw him a party with close friends and family! 
In my mind everyone would show up in poodle skirts and we would do the twist to the amazing cover band we had set up in our back yard. But reality hits and you realize neither the budget nor the time would allow for such shenanigans. Besides, his father is a little more low key.
So with the guest of honor in mind and my guest list established I figured an old fashioned cookout would fit the bill. 
 Coming up with the “theme” of the party wasn’t hard. I knew I wanted it fun but with a bit of sophistication. Yellow was on my mind. Blue was Louie’s favorite color, and red? Well, it just went well! 
 Once the colors were established everything else fell into place.
I bought most of the supplies (i.e. table cloths, plates, napkins, utensils, & balloons) at Party City. The cake came from good ole’ Publix, but I special ordered it with the specific colors. And my sister arranged the flowers (thank you, Cheryl!).
The party didn't cost an arm and a leg and the effort it took to pull it all together was minimal, but the effect it had was big! Louie wasn't expecting anything like it and the other guests were delighted when they saw the cake, flowers, and balloons. Sometimes the little things make the biggest difference! Happy Birthday, Louie!

So consider doing a little extra for your next cookout, football party, or any get-together!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Plan on it

How do you plan a party? Is it off a theme or idea you saw on Pinterest? Or perhaps it's doesn't need a theme. Just mix in friends and family with food and drinks and call it a party! Either way there is some type of planning involved. For me, I usually start the moment I know we're throwing a party. Not only do I plan out the party I also start day dreaming about what projects I really want to complete in the house.

So here's the "I need to get this done before the party" project...the foyer. (Is it a coincidence Im starting this blog with the foyer?)

We replaced the door soon after we moved in. Which made the BIGGEST difference.

It obviously needed somethin' goin' on with it...So I called in my crew (my sister Cheryl, Alan, and Hanna) to paint stripes. This would be a project I would tackle myself but being that dropped 1/2 a can of paint in the garage AND I get paint on everything BUT the walls I was told I needed to sit this one out.

The base wall color is Benjamin Moore Carrington Beige and the stripes are about two shades darker which is Benjamin Moore Danville Tan. I decided to only stripe one wall in the foyer because I didn't want it to look like a tunnel.

The finishing touches make all the difference! 

This chest was a hand-me-down from my parents. Typically a chest of drawers isn't found in a foyer but I like the height of this chest and the narrowness allows for side chairs or planters on either side. It gives me options, which is always good in my book as I tend to change my mind often. Just ask Alan! 

Freshly black painted door with my DIY wreath I put together using Hobby Lobby paper flowers and a grape vine wreath. Just stick those babies on with a hot glue gun and DONE. Too easy!

The rug is a hand-me-down from Pottery Barn, the modern wing chair is Lee and the mirror I picked up from Marshalls. 

 And the pillow you ask? Made by me :-)

 Look for my next post to find out what all this planning was for!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let's do this

I have to admit starting a blog wasn't on the top of my "how I want to spend my free time" list. It wasn't even on the radar until a long conversation over wine with my good friend and sister sparked my curiosity as to what it would be like to be a "blogger". That conversation left me with mixed emotions. I liked the idea of getting to share my insights to the world but on one hand I don’t think of writing as a hobby and seriously people I would rather spend my free time eating cake and watching movies. BUT after even more encouragement form my sweet husband here I am. So now that I have committed to this whole blog thing I really couldn't be more excited!

Here is a little about me. I am a full time Interior Designer and I work for a firm called Accents of the South in Huntsville, Alabama (yes, we have all our teeth). I've been married for a year to my just as creative husband, Alan and we have a fur-child named Hanna. I love cooking, entertaining, traveling, and fitness so there will be some randomness about those topics as well. My biggest project that I have been working on myself is my own home, so you'll see a lot of posts related to that.

I've been told I'm high strung and always have something brewing up in my mind, which are both very true. I can't walk into a room without noticing the decor. I'm constantly re-arranging spaces in my mind and if you ask me what I'm thinking about it probably has something to do with paint colors, fabrics, or chocolate. So here you go: a look inside my...Interior Mind.